It's Time To Step Into Your Gifts, Find Your Voice, and Live The Life You Were Designed To Live.

It's Time To Step Into Your Gifts, Find Your Voice, and Live The Life You Were Designed To Live.


Karen has always had an inner desire to help others find their voice. Being raised in an education loving family where getting a degree after high school was mandatory, she chose the field that made sense to this calling: Speech Therapy. For nearly 20 years, Karen has coached parents while helping their children find their voice.

But it was through her own deconditioning process, identity work, and self discovery that she felt called to a bigger role: helping women find their authentic voice so they can be propelled towards their ultimate potential.

Karen has worked with various spiritual advisors, became a Certified Human Design Reader through The Human Design Academy, and recently became trained in Dr. Jon Connelly’s Rapid Resolution Therapy. Through her understanding of the conscious and unconscious mind, awareness of her inherent spiritual gifts, plus deep knowledge of energetic blueprints, Karen is able to create clarity for others, help them move through doubt and resistance, while they begin to live out their own mission driven life

Clear the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are keeping you stuck using a quick, painless (and sometimes fun) modality.

Human Design Readings are now exclusive to the Success, Your Way program.

My powerful, individually curated 4-part 1:1 container designed to help you create success, your way and propel you towards your ultimate potential.

The Re-Write Your Story Guide is a 5-step process designed to help you challenge the beliefs that have been holding you back.

The Workbook For The Burnt Out High Achiever is designed to help you connect to your innate gifts, wisdom, and insights so you have more passion and purpose in your life.

Start Designing Your Life in 20 Minutes or Less.

This podcast can be listened to on either Spotify or Apple.

© Karen Galway